at the moment...
Well, you will just have to see...
Wer sind die Moldawier? (Who are the Moldovans?)
Rumänismus versus Moldowanismus in Historiographie und Schulbüchern der Republik Moldova, 1991-2006
Europa am Bosporus (er-)finden?
(Inventing/finding Europe on the Bosporus?)
and a few edited volumes

The Armenian Genocide and the World
special issue of the Journal of Levantine Studies (2015/2016)

Perioada interbelica în Basarabia
Istoria între ÅŸtiinÅ£a ÅŸi ÅŸcoală
edited by S. Ihrig, V. Dumbrava, D. Müller & I. Åžarov
Editura Cartdidact 2008

History Education and Post-Conflict Reconciliation
edited by K. Korostelina & S. Lässig with S. Ihrig
Routledge 2013
History Teaching and its (Dis)Contents
Grenzen schulischer Geschichtsdarstellung
special issue of Internationale Schulbuchforschung/
International Textbook Research 2 (2006)