Journal articles, book chapters, etc.
"History wars in the Republic of Moldova," in S. Lässig, M. Repoussi & L. Cajani (eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Conflict and History Education in the Post-Cold War Era (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), 375-384.
“'Fifteen Gallows' in Izmir – The Kemalist Purges of 1926 through the eyes of a German journalist,” Turkish-German Studies Yearbook 2018 (published 2019), 89-108.
"Germany and the 1890s Armenian massacres – Questions of morality in foreign policy,” Études Arméniennes Contemporaines 11 (2018), 75-92.
“Spectre and opportunity – The Soviet Union in the excitement of the German far right and the Nazis about the Turkish nationalists, 1919-1945, היסטוריה/ Historia 39-40 (2017), 53-74. (Hebrew)
“Deutschland und der Genozid an den Armeniern – Verknüpfte Geschichten, Fragen der Schuld und Aufarbeitung“ [Germany and the Armenian Genocide – Entangled history, questions of guilt, and coming to terms with the past], in: K. Kunter, M. Mendel, O. Fassing (eds.), Hundert Jahre Leugnung: Der Völkermord an den Armeniern – Auftrag zu einer multiperspektivischen Erinnerungskultur in Deutschland (Münster, 2017), 37-53.
"Als der Genozid diskutiert wurde – Das Talat Pascha Attentat und die Weimar Debatte um den Völkermord an den Armeniern [When genocide was discussed – The Talât Pasha assassination and the Weimar debate about the Armenian Genocide],“ in R. Hosfeld & C. Pschichholz (eds.): Das Deutsche Reich und der Völkermord an den Armeniern (2017), 294-312.
“Germany and the Armenian Genocide – New Research and Approaches,” Neue Politische Literatur 3 (2017), 429-448.
“Турецкие корни национал-социализма?” [Turkish Roots of National Socialism?], Берегиня 777 Сова 4 (2016), 341-351. (in Russian)
“Entangled and transnational histories of National Socialism? The Turkish dimension of German interwar history,” Plural – History, Culture, Society 2 (2016/2017), 27-45.
"The Armenian Genocide and the World," Journal of Levantine Studies 2 (2015; published summer 2016), 5-11.
"Lord Bryce and the Armenians in German Propaganda during World War I," Journal of Levantine Studies 2 (2015; published summer 2016), 51-70.
"Nazi leaks and intrigues in Second World War Ankara – The plot to send Herbert Melzig to a concentration camp," The International History Review 1 (2016), 109-125 (published online March 2015).
"Cemal Pasha's 1919 German op-ed and the acknowledgment of genocide," Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies 24 (2015), 132-137.
"Justifying Genocide in Weimar Germany – The Armenian Genocide, German nationalists, and assassinated Young Turks in Berlin, 1919-1923," in: J. Rüger & N. Wachsmann (eds.): Rewriting German History – New Perspectives on Modern Germany. London 2015, 215-232.
"'Why them and not us?' – The Kreuzzeitung, the German Far Right, and the Turkish War of Independence, 1919-1923," in: Sabine Rutar (ed.): Beyond the Balkans – Towards an Inclusive History of Southeastern Europe. Zürich 2014, 377-404.
"Turkey and the European Union – Many questions and no easy answers," Südosteuropa 3 (2014), 384-392.
"A key to Europe? – The new Turkish history and civics teaching materials," Euroclio External Review (March 2014), 12 p.
"Genocide denied, accepted, and justified – The assassination of Talât Pasha and the trial of his assassin (1921) as a media event in the early Weimar Republic," Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies 22 (2013), 153-177.
"Die Gagausen," in: K. Bochmann, V. Dumbrava, D. Müller & V. Reinhardt (eds.): Die Republik Moldau/Republica Moldova – Ein Handbuch. Leipzig 2012, 201-206.
"Geschichtsschulbücher und die nationale Frage," in: K. Bochmann, V. Dumbrava, D. Müller & V. Reinhardt (eds.): Die Republik Moldau/Republica Moldova – Ein Handbuch. Leipzig 2012, 143-148.
"The history of European fascism – Origins, foreign relations, and (dis)entangled histories," European History Quarterly 2 (2011), 278-290.
"Die gagausische Autonomie," Pogrom – Zeitschrift für bedrohte Völker 4 (2011), 18.
"Romania, the Holocaust, and the logic of violence," Balkanistica 24 (2010), 245-249.
"Gagausen aus Bessarabien," in: D. Brandes, H. Sundhaussen & S. Troebst (eds.): Lexikon der Vertreibungen – Deportation, Zwangsaussiedlung und ethnische Säuberung im Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts. Wien, Köln, Weimar 2010, 256-258.
"Rumänen aus der Dobrudscha, 1940," in: D. Brandes, H. Sundhaussen & S. Troebst (eds.): Lexikon der Vertreibungen – Deportation, Zwangsaussiedlung und ethnische Säuberung im Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts. Wien, Köln, Weimar 2010, 105-106.
"Craiova Abkommen," in: Brandes et al. (eds.): Lexikon der Vertreibungen – Deportation, Zwangsaussiedlung und ethnische Säuberung im Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts. Wien, Köln, Weimar 2010, 557-559.
"Evaluation of the Proposed New History Textbooks from the Repubulic of Moldova," Braunschweig (May/June 2005). Published as Appendix 20 in: S. Musteaţă: Educaţia istorică între discursul politic şi identitar în Republica Moldova. Chişinău 2010, 211-263 (as editor and co-author with W. van Meurs and K. Zach).
"Second Evaluation of the Draft History Textbooks for the Republic of Moldova," Braunschweig (April 2006). Published as Appendix 21 in: S. Musteaţă: Educaţia istorică între discursul politic şi identitar în Republica Moldova. Chişinău 2010, 264-309 (as editor and co-author with W. van Meurs and K. Zach).
"The Moldova Project and the Controversies about the New History Textbooks in the Republic of Moldova," Braunschweig (December 2006). Published in Romanian as Appendix 22 in: S. Musteaţă: Educaţia istorică între discursul politic şi identitar în Republica Moldova. Chişinău 2010, 310-311.
"Report on the Seminar 'The Use of Multiperspectivity in History Teaching,' Holercani, Moldova. Strasbourg 2006," Report of the Council of Europe, DGIV/EDU/HIST 2006/04, 33 p., also reprinted as Appendix 23, in: Sergiu Musteaţă: Educaţia istorică între discursul politic şi identitar în Republica Moldova. Chişinău 2010, 312-340.
"Der transnistrische Holocaust in den Schulbüchern der Republik Moldova," in: Wolfgang Benz & Brigitte Mihok (eds.): Holocaust an der Peripherie – Judenpolitik und Judenmord in Rumänien und Transnistrien, 1940-1944. Berlin 2009, 225-239.
* republished in Romanian as "Holocaustul transnistrean în manualele şcolare din Republica Moldova," in:
Wolfgang Benz & Brigitte Mihok (eds.): Holocaustul la periferie – Persecutarea şi nimicirea evreilor în România şi Transnistria în 1940-1944. Chişinău 2010, 337-359.
"Sonnensprachtheorie," in: Butis Butis (ed.): Goofy History – Fehler machen Geschichte. Köln, Weimar, Wien 2009, 70-72.
"Wer sind die Moldawier? Und wie wichtig das eigentlich (vielleicht gar nicht) ist," in: Julia Heunemann & Georg Waldmann (eds.): From Moldova with Love – Part I: Moldova – Historical and Cultural Reflections. Dessau 2009, 8-13.
"Moldovan nightmares or 'historiographic deadlock at birth' – History, identity and history teaching in the Republic of Moldova (1991-2008)," in: Augusta Dimou (ed.): ‘Transition’ and the Politics of History Education in Southeast Europe. Göttingen 2009, 357-396.
"Der atomare Terror nach 9/11, die Zeit nach der Apokalypse und ein Geschichtsschulbuch – Die US- Fernsehserie 'Jericho' und der Sinn der Geschichte," Eckert – Das Bulletin 3 (2008), 82-83 (with Stefan Bauchowitz).
"No more Eastern Questions asked – Southeastern Europe as just another European periphery in British history textbooks," in: Andreas Helmedach (ed.): Pulverfass, Powder Keg, Baril de Poudre? Südosteuropa im europäischen Geschichtsschulbuch. Hannover 2008 [Studien zur internationalen Schulbuchforschung; 118], 121-143.
"Die kommunistische Vergangenheit Rumäniens zwischen Skandalpolitik, Kontinuität und Aufarbeitung," in: Bernd Rill (ed.): Vergangenheitsbewältigung im Osten – Russland, Polen, Rumänien. München 2008 [Argumente und Materialien zum Zeitgeschehen; 60], 81-90.
* republished as "Die Transformation in Rumänien," in: W.K. Smidt, I. Mohr & H. Müller-Enbergs (eds.): Der allmächtige Geheimdienst – Ein Relikt der Vergangenheit? Zur Transformation der Geheimdienste Ost- und Mitteleuropas nach 1990. Münster 2012, 117-132.
"Perioada interbelică în Basarabia: Istoria între ştinţă şi şcoală," in: Ihrig/Dumbrava/Müller/Şarov (eds.): Istoria între ştiinţa şi şcoală – Perioada interbelica în Basarabia: Studii, materiale, surse şi sugestii. Chişinău 2008 [Schriftenreihe des Moldova Instituts Leipzig], 9-13 (co-authored with V. Dumbrava; D. Müller & I. Şarov).
"Perioada interbelică în manualele de istorie din Republica Moldova 1995-2007," in: Ihrig/Dumbrava/Müller/Şarov (eds.): Istoria între ştiinţa şi şcoală – Perioada interbelica în Basarabia: Studii, materiale, surse şi sugestii. Chişinău 2008 [Schriftenreihe des Moldova Instituts Leipzig], 17-28.
"'Unsere Gagausen!' Wahrnehmungen zwischen Kanon und Kontext," in: U. Brunnbauer, A. Helmedach & S. Troebst (eds.): Schnittstellen – Gesellschaft, Nation, Konflikt und Erinnerung in Südosteuropa. Festschrift für Holm Sundhaussen zum 65. Geburtstag. München 2007 [Südosteuropäische Arbeiten; 133], 361-373.
"Democracy (dis)connected – Discourses of democracy and of the inter-war period as (mis)guiding lights in the history textbooks of the Republic of Moldova and Romania," CEU Political Science Journal 2/1 (Budapest, 2007), 27-43.
"Discursul (ne)civic şi nemulţumirile exprimate în el – Conceptul 'moldovenist' şi cel 'românist' de naţiune şi cetăţean oglindit în manualele actuale de istorie şi în istoriografia Republicii Moldova (1991-2005)," in: Monica Heintz (ed.): Republica Moldova: Stat slab – Cetăţenie incertă. Studii despre Republica Moldova. Bucureşti 2007, 191-213.
* an up-dated and expanded English version was published as: "(Un)civic discourses and their discontents – Moldovanist and Romanianist concepts of the nation and its citizens in the current history textbooks and historiography of the Republic of Moldova (1991-2006)," in: Monica Heintz (ed.): Weak State, Uncertain Citizenship: Moldova. Frankfurt am Main 2008 [Gesellschaften und Staaten im Epochenwandel; 16], 149-163.
"Talking Turkey, talking Europe – Turkey’s place in the common quest for defining Europe between imagining EU-Europe, the Orient and the Balkans," Insight Turkey 3/10 (Ankara, 2006), 28-36.
"Rediscovering history, rediscovering ultimate truth – History, textbooks, identity and politics in Moldova," in: Nobuhiro Shiba (ed.): In Search of a Common Regional History – The Balkans and East Asia in History Textbooks. Tokyo 2006, 65-82.
* republished in European Studies 5 (Tokyo, 2006), 43-57.
* also republished in Japanese in:柴宜弘(ed.): バルカン史と歴史教育-「地域史」とアイデンティ ティの再構築. Tokyo 2008, 170-187.
"Attainment nationalism vs. maintenance nationalism – The case of Moldova and nationalism theory," in: Nobuhiro Shiba (ed.): In Search of a Common Regional History – The Balkans and East Asia in History Textbooks. Tokyo 2006, 173-209.
* republished in Japanese in: 柴 宜弘 (ed.): バルカン史と歴史教育-「地域史」 とアイデンティティ の再構築. Tokyo 2008, 354-393.
"Die Gagausen – Nation-building ohne Geschichte? Oder: Nation ohne nation-building?," Jahrbücher für Geschichte und Kultur Südosteuropas 7 (2005), 75-99.
"The hyperreality of the empty page – 'Disappeared minorities' in Moldovan and Turkish history textbooks," Analele Asociatiei Nationale a Tinerilor Istorici din Moldova 6 (Chişinău, 2005), 299-304.
"Managing diversity in multicultural education – Giving diversity of opinion and experience a forum," in: Tatiana Stoianova (ed.): Educaţia Multiculturală ca Mijloc de Management al Diversităţii şi de Integrare în Societatea Polietnică. Chişinău 2005, 15-20.
"What kind of a narrative is needed for the history textbooks of multi-cultural societies?," in: Tatiana Stoianova (ed.): Educaţia Multiculturală ca Mijloc de Management al Diversităţii şi de Integrare în Societatea Polietnică. Chişinău 2005, 38-45.
"The construction of the 'other' in Moldovan history textbooks," in: Tatiana Stoianova (ed.): Educaţia Multiculturală ca Mijloc de Management al Diversităţii şi de Integrare în Societatea Polietnică. Chişinău 2005, 168-174.
"Multicultural education in Moldova," Internationale Schulbuchforschung/International Textbook Research 1 (2005), 132-135.
"Aussiedler – Ethnic Germans," in: M. Gibney & R. Hansen (eds.): Immigration and Asylum – From 1900 to the Present. An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, Denver, Oxford 2005, 207-209.
book reviews
“K. Watenpaugh, 'Bread from Stones: The Middle East and the Making of Modern Humanitarianism,'” International Journal of Middle East Studies 4 (2019), 650-652.
“C. Guttstadt, 'Wege ohne Heimkehr – Die Armenier, der Erste Weltkrieg und die Folgen,'” International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies (2019).
“K. Seyffarth, “Entscheidung in Aleppo – Walther Rössler, 1871-1929,” International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies (2019).
“H.-L. Kieser, ‘Talaat Pasha – Father of Modern Turkey, Architect of Genocide,’” Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 2 (2018), 200-202.
“M. Dabag & K. Platt, ‘Verlust und Vermächntis – Überlebende des Genozids an den Armeniern erinnern sich,’” Oral History Review 2 (2018), 362-365.
"F.M. Göcek, 'Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present, and Collective Violence against the Armenians, 1789-2009,'" Holocaust and Genocide Studies 3 (2017), 497-499.
“Y. Ficiciyan (ed.), ‘Der Völkermord an den Armeniern im Spiegel der deutschsprachigen Tagespresse, 1912–1922,’” International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies 1 (2016/published 2017), 102-105.
“M.V. Wunsch Gaarmann, ‘The War in Our Backyard – The Bosnia and Kosovo Wars through the Lens of the German Print Media,’” Südosteuropa – Journal of Politics and Society 4 (2016), 580-582.
"B. Der Matossian 'Shattered Dreams of Revolution – From Liberty to Violence in the Late Ottoman Empire,'" Südost-Forschungen 73 (2014; published 2016), 616-618.
"M. Fleming 'Auschwitz, the Allies and Censorship of the Holocaust,'" European History Quarterly 1 (2016), 134-136.
"S.K. Danielsson 'The Explorer's Roadmap to National Socialism – Sven Hedin, Geography, and the Path to Genocide,' European History Quarterly 1 (2015), 144-145.
"A. Wiegeshoff '"Wir müssen alle etwas umlernen" – Zur Internationalisierung des Auswärtigen Dienstes der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1945/51–1969),' Neue Politische Literatur 2 (2014), 336-338.
"F. Balancar (ed.) 'The Sounds of Silence – Turkey's Armenians Speak,'" Oral History Review 2 (2014), 374-376.
"R.J.B. Bosworth (ed.) 'The Oxford Handbook of Fascism,'" European History Quarterly 2 (2014), 309-310.
"S. Geissbühler 'Blutiger Juli – Rumäniens Vernichtungskrieg und der vergessene Massenmord an den Juden 1941,'" Zeitschrift für Genozidforschung 2 (2011/published 2014), 142-144.
"I. Almond 'History of Islam in German Thought – From Leibniz to Nietzsche,'" European History Quarterly 1 (2014), 118-119.
"V. Spinei 'The Romanians and the Turkish Nomads North of the Danube Delta from the Tenth to the Mid-Thirteenth Century,'" Südost-Forschungen 72 (2014), 71-72.
"M. Cebeci 'Die deutsch-türkischen Beziehungen in der Epoche Abdülhamids II. (1876-1908) – Die Rolle Deutschlands in der türkischen Außenpolitik unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bulgarischen, Ägyptischen und Armenischen Frage,'" Südost-Forschungen 72 (2014), 96-98.
"I. Moroni 'O Ergatis, 1908-1909 – Ottomanism, National Economy and Modernization in the Ottoman Empire,'" Südost-Forschungen 72 (2014), 107-109.
"S. Plaggenborg 'Ordnung und Gewalt – Kemalismus, Faschismus, Sozialismus,'" Südost-Forschungen 72 (2014), 29-31.
"S. McMeekin 'July 1914 – Countdown to War' & C. Clark 'The Sleepwalkers – How Europe Went to War in 1914,'" Südost-Forschungen 72 (2014), 114-118.
"P. Merziger 'Nationalsozialistische Satire und Deutscher Humor – Politische Bedeutung Öffentlichkeit populärer Unterhaltung, 1931-1945,'" German History 1 (2013), 144-145.
"C. Oppenheimer 'Blicke auf die Republik Moldau,'" Südost-Forschungen 71 (2013), 492-494.
"D. Tröndle 'Mustafa Kemal Atatürk – Mythos und Mensch,'" Südost-Forschungen 71 (2013), 600-602.
"R.A. Deal 'Crimes of Honor, Drunken Brawls, and Murder – Violence in Istanbul under Abdülhamid II,'" Südost-Forschungen 71 (2013), 579-582.
"B. Torunoglu 'Murder in Salonika 1876 – A Tale of Apostasy and International Crisis,'" Südost-Forschungen 71 (2013), 578-579.
"P.K. Georgiev 'Self-Orientalizaton in South East Europe,'" Südosteuropa – Zeitschrift für Politik und Gesellschaft 2 (2013), 163-165.
"S. Mangold-Will 'Begrenzte Freundschaft – Deutschland und die Türkei, 1918-1933,'" Neue Politische Literatur 2 (2013), 296-297.
"F.R. de Meneses 'Salazar – A Political Biography,'" European Review of History/Revue européene d’histoire 3 (2013), 517-518.
"R. Hayes 'Subhas Chandra Bose in Nazi Germany – Politics, Intelligence and Propaganda, 1941-43,'" European History Quarterly 4 (2013), 774-776.
"P.-C. Müller-Graf & H. Kabaalioğlu (eds.) 'Turkey and the European Union – Different Dimensions' and C. Schönig et al. (eds.) 'Türkisch-Deutsche Beziehungen – Perspektiven aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart,'" Südosteuropa – Zeitschrift für Politik und Gesellschaft 3 (2013), 469-470.
"W. Nitz 'Führer und Duce – Politische Machtinszenierungen im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland und im faschistischen Italien,' Neue Politische Literatur 3 (2013), 512-513.
"V. Solonari 'Purifying the Nation – Population Exchange and Ethnic Cleansing in Nazi-Allied Romania,'" Südost-Forschungen 69/70 (2012), 626-629.
"I. Almond 'Two Faiths, One Banner – When Muslims Marched with Christians across Europe’s Battlegrounds,'" Südost-Forschungen 69/70 (2012), 490-491.
Hb.60. Stefan Ihrig: "K. Barkey 'Empire of Difference – The Ottomans in Comparative Perspective,'" Südost-Forschungen 69/70 (2012), 492-494.
"P. Firges 'Großbritannien und das Osmanische Reich Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts – Europäische Gleichgewichtspolitik und geopolitische Strategien,'" Südost-Forschungen 69/70 (2012), 563-565.
"R.N. Bali 'The Saga of Friendship – Asa Kent Jennings and the American Friends of Turkey,'" Südost-Forschungen 69/70 (2012), 614-616.
"R.N. Bali (ed.) 'The First Ten Years of the Turkish Republic Through the Reports of American Diplomats' & R.N. Bali (ed.) 'Sports and Physical Education in Turkey in the 1930s,'" Südost-Forschungen 69/70 (2012), 620-622.
"H. Roth (ed.) 'Studienhandbuch Östliches Europa. Band 1: Geschichte Ostmittel- und Südosteuropas' & Emliantseva et al. 'Einführung in die Osteuropäische Geschichte,'" Südost-Forschungen 69/70 (2012), 458-461.
"R. Suny et al. (eds.) 'A Question of Genocide – Armenians and Turks at the End of the Ottoman Empire' & U.Ü. Üngör 'The Making of Modern Turkey – Nation and State in Eastern Anatolia, 1913-1950,'" H-Soz-u-Kult, online since 17 April 2012 (
"F. Şen & D. Halm (eds.) 'Exil unter Halbmond und Stern,'" Insight Turkey 1 (2010), 254-257.
“J. Walter ‘Die Türkei – Das Ding auf der Schwelle. (De)Konstruktionen der Grenzen Europas,’” Südosteuropa – Zeitschrift für Politik und Gesellschaft 1 (2010), 135-137.
"C. Costa & L. Teodonio 'Razza partigiana – Storia di Giorgio Marincola, 1923-1945,'" European Review of History/Revue européene d’histoire 4 (2010), 676-677.
"C. Guttstadt 'Die Türkei, die Juden und der Holocaust,'" Insight Turkey 3 (2010), 276-278.
"B. J. Fischer (ed.) 'Balkan Strongmen – Dictators and Authoritarian Rulers of Southeast Europe,'" Balkanistica 24 (2010), 302-303.
"N. Düwell 'Die Standesgerichtsbarkeit der deutschen Presse,'" German History 3 (2010), 382.
"C. Arvanitopoulos (ed.) 'Turkey’s Accession to the European Union – An Unusual Candidacy,'" Südosteuropa Mitteilungen 6 (2010), 102-103.
"R. Kasaba (ed.) 'Cambridge History of Turkey, Vol. 4: Turkey in the Modern World,'" Forschungsplattform Südosteuropa ( 23&no_ cache=1) as well as Rezensionsseite des Osteuropa-Instituts, Berlin (, online since 11 November 2010.
“B. Küçük ‘Die Türkei und das andere Europa,’” Südosteuropa – Zeitschrift für Politik und Gesellschaft 3 (2010), 469-471.
"S. Thelen 'Die Armenierfrage in der Türkei,'" Südosteuropa – Zeitschrift für Politik und Gesellschaft 4 (2010), 641-642.
"J. Sallanz 'Bedeutungswandel von Ethnizität unter dem Einfluss von Globalisierung – Die rumänische Dobrudscha als Beispiel,'" Südosteuropa Mitteilungen 1 (2009), 99-100.
"K. Kreiser 'Atatürk – Eine Biographie,'" New Perspectives on Turkey 41 (2009), 270-273.
"R.N. Bali 'New Documents on Atatürk – Atatürk as Viewed Through the Eyes of American Diplomats,'" Südosteuropa – Zeitschrift für Politik und Gesellschaft 2/3 (2009), 336-338.
"J. Brunner & S. Lavi (eds.) 'Juden und Muslime in Deutschland – Recht, Religion, Identität,'" Neue Politische Literatur 3 (2009), 487-489.
"M.H. Ciscel 'The Language of the Moldovans – Romania, Russia, and Identity in an Ex-Soviet Republic,'" Südost-Forschungen 68 (2009), 766-768.
"F. Parmentier 'La Moldavie à la croisée des chemins' & I. Katchanovski 'Cleft Countries – Regional Political Divisions and Cultures in Post-Soviet Ukraine and Moldova,'" Südosteuropa Mitteilungen 1 (2008), 114-116.
"E. Iijima & V. Dumbrava (eds.) 'Stefan der Große – Fürst der Moldau. Symbolfunktion und Bedeutungswandel eines mittelalterlichen Herrschers,'" Südosteuropa Mitteilungen 1 (2008), 112-114.
"A. Zeller “Konstruktion im Wandel – Nationale Identität in der Republik Moldau,'" Südosteuropa Mitteilungen 1 (2008), 116-118.
"D. Müller 'Staatsbürger auf Widerruf – Juden und Muslime als Alteritätspartner im rumänischen und serbischen Nationscode. Ethnonationale Staatsbürgerschaftskonzepte 1878 – 1941,'" Südosteuropa Mitteilungen 1 (2008), 102-103.
"U. Brunnbauer (ed.) '(Re)Writing History – Historiography in Southeast Europe after Socialism' & M. Krzoska & H.-C. Maner (eds.) 'Beruf und Berufung – Geschichtswissenschaft und Nationsbildung in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert,'" Forschungsplattform Südosteuropa ( 23&no_cache=1) as well as Rezensionsseite des Osteuropa-Instituts, Berlin ( online since 21 February 2008.
"I.-A. Pop & I. Bolovan (eds.) 'History of Romania – Compendium,'" Südost-Forschungen 67 (2008), 386-388.
"W. Baum 'Die christlichen Minderheiten der Türkei in den Pariser Friedensverhandlungen,'" Südost-Forschungen 67 (2008), 513-517.
"P. Boncour & P. de Sinety 'Voyage au pays des Gagaouzes,'" Südost-Forschungen 67 (2008), 566-569.
"S. A. Stein 'Making Jews Modern – The Yiddish and Ladino Press in the Russian and the Ottoman Empire' & R. Birmizrahi (ed.) 'Lo ke Meldavan Nuestros Padres/ Babalarımızın Gazetelerinden/From Our Fathers’ Newspapers,'" Südost-Forschungen 67 (2008), 348-351.
"I. Katchanovski 'Cleft Countries – Regional Political Divisions and Cultures in Post-Soviet Ukraine and Moldova,'" CEU Political Science Journal 2/2 (Budapest, 2007), 215-218.
"L. Schippel (ed.) 'Im Dialog: Rumänistik im deutschsprachigen Raum,'" Forschungsplatform Südosteuropa (www.oei.fu- as well as Rezensionsseite des Osteuropa-Instituts, Berlin (, online since 19 October 2007.
"V. Dumbrava 'Sprachkonflikt und Sprachbewusstsein in der Republik Moldova,'" Forschungsplattform Südosteuropa ( 23&no_ cache=1) as well as Rezensionsseite des Osteuropa-Instituts, Berlin (, online since 19 October 2007.
"M. Hausleitner 'Deutsche und Juden in Bessarabien 1814-1941,'" Südosteuropa Mitteilungen 3 (2007), 113-115.
"F. Ahmad 'Turkey – The Quest for Identity/Geschichte der Türkei' & A. Mango 'The Turks Today,'" Südosteuropa Mitteilungen 3 (2007), 126-127.
"J. Sallanz (ed.) 'Die Dobrudscha – Ethnische Minderheiten, Kulturlandschaft, Transformation,'" Südosteuropa Mitteilungen 5/6 (2006), 154-156.
"V. Stepaniuc 'Statalitatea poporului moldovenesc – Aspecte istorice, polito-juridice,'" Südost-Forschungen 65/66 (2006/2007), 612-615.
"H. Ağuiçenoğlu ‘Die turko-tatarische Presse der Dobrudscha 1897-1940’”, Forschungsplattform Südosteuropa ( =23&no_ cache=1) as well as Rezensionsseite des Osteuropa-Instituts, Berlin (, online since 4 March 2005.
"A. Marx 'Faith in Nation – The Exclusionary Origins of Nationalism,'" Forschungsplattform Südosteuropa ( cache=1) as well as Rezensionsseite des Osteuropa-Instituts, Berlin (, online since 7 March 2005.
"I. Fruntaşu 'O istoria etnopolitica a Basarabiei,'" Forschungsplattform Südosteuropa ( cache=1) online since 20 June 2005.
"I. Colesnic 'Generaţia Unirii,'" Südost-Forschungen 63/64 (2004/2005), 915-916.
"R. Ioanid 'The Ransom of the Jews – The Story of the Extraordinary Secret Bargain between Romania and Israel,'" Südost-Forschungen 63/64 (2004/2005), 923-925.
"A. Oişteanu 'Imaginea evreului în cultura română,'" Südost-Forschungen 63/64 (2004/2005), 894-896.
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